SUP Paddle Sizing/Cutting Instructions



The best method to determine proper paddle length is as below:

1. Insert the handle(NO GLUE) into the shaft and place the handle on the ground(careful not to scratch the finish).

2. The neck of the paddle(where blade connects to the shaft) SHOULD be parallel with your eyes.

Measure how much shaft is above your eye level and then remove the handle to make a conservative cut on the shaft before making the final cut length.

Two people of the same height may have different paddle lengths. In addition, riding styles on flat water or waves will make a difference. People who do wave riding tend to have a paddle a couple inches shorter than people who ride on flat water.

Most important is that during the middle of the paddle stroke your top hand should NOT be above the top of your head, and your elbow NOT above the level of your shoulder.


1. After marking the line to cut, wrap electrical tape around the shaft to avoid scratching or splintering the carbon fiber.

2. Use a hack-saw to make a clean, straight cut on the electrical tape.

3. Slide the rubber shrink tube over the shaft before glueing the handle.

4. Use marine epoxy from a local marine or hardware store to seal the handle to the shaft

5. After the glue has dried, use a hair dryer on high heat setting to shrink the rubber tubing over the handle/shaft seam line.


When glueing the handle, the curved side MUST go into your palm and straight side goes against the fingers.

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  • Maelstorm Limited
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