Escape the kiteboarding crowds on Boracay -- go to Union Bay


Wanna escape from the croweded Bolabog beach on Boracay?

Union Bay is the place to go!

This spot is a little pearl only 20 minutes by kite from Bolabog. It can be a wavy ride crossing the channel between Bolabog/Boracay to Union Bay on Panay, but the waves usually don't break and its a great 20 min downwinder. If you prefer to bring your stuff there instead or stay at Union you can catch a short ferry and tricycle ride.

Union is shallow and flat! and nobody's around....yet..!

Perfect for practicing your new freestyle tricks.

The land along the beach is mostly leased by friendly and helpful local kiteboarders.

Watch out for the 2011/2012 season - Freestyle Academy has some great surprises up their sleeve for Union Bay ;)

There are some huts for overnight stay like Mangoriders and a small resturant located here as well if you would like to escape the craziness of Boracay. :)

How to get there?

From manila:

-flight manila-caticlan, then triscycle to Union, about 15 min
-flight manila-kalibo, then minivan/bus to Union (on the way to Caticlan), about 1hr 20min

From boracay:

-kite downwind past Bolabog, 2nd, 3rd bay, cross the channel, about 20 min
-boat jettyport, about 10min, then trisycle to Union, about 15min

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  • Maelstorm Limited
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